This is the first time when we combine power of two annual conferences: “Mechanika” and “Industrial Engineering”.
Traditionally “Mechanika-2019” is dedicated for scientists and PhD students, and conference of the young scientists “Industrial Engineering-2019” is dedicated for all students.
By combining two conferences of different levels, we strive to provide students from different countries with the opportunity to share their research and practical work; establish new relationships with students and researchers from other universities; present their ideas to the industry; to gain experience and knowledge from more experienced researchers.
Plenary session as well as poster session will cover both conferences, and oral presentations will be divided to different sessions. Materials will be published in “Mechanika-2019: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference” and “Industrial Engineering-2019: Proceedings of the Young Scientists’ Conference”, respectively.
Entrance to all sessions is free for all participants.
For more detail information about “Industrial Engineering-2019” please visit conference’s web site.
We hope this common event will be useful for all participants of both conferences.